Thursday, January 20, 2011
Chapter Summary of "The Great Indoors"
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I chose chapter 15 "Junk-Food Heaven" by Bill Bryson, because it explains how Americans eat massive amounts of fast food, and the fact that it is everywhere. He talks about how the supermarket is filled with all types of junk food. And that he actually had to go with wife to the store because she kept bringing home healthy food. When he went with her he saw every imaginable cereal. From cookie crisp, which he called "chocolate cookies with milk" to cocoa puffs. he talked about how he had grabbed enough cereal to last him for six months. The funny thing is he grabbed everything in sight from the store. He said he missed junk food. He even went to aisle seven which was the aisle for the seriously obese. He grabbed a handful of toaster strudels and microwave pancakes. He was trying to prove a point, that junk food is addictive. He ate all the junk food that he bought, forcibly . But in the end he got tired of it, he said his taste buds have matured, or junk food got worse, but in the end instead opening a box of cookies when he got hungry he opened a piece of Swedish crisp bread and a celery stick. You can't eat something that taste so good, for ever , I think that was Bill Bryson's point.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
How to Rent a Car
The article "How to Rent a Car" by Bill Bryson is about how in the United States there are so many types of insurance and most defiantly a lot of them are ridiculous. He talks specifically about how there are so many different types of insurance and that people don't even fully understand them, they just buy them out of connivance and avoiding an argument. Bill Bryson at one point whimpers out that he doesn't understand any of the technical terms and the rules of the different states and coverages for auto insurance. This is showing how lazy Americans truly are and that we don’t like to take the time to find out what we truly need for coverage or in any matter and that as a whole we go the easiest route and allow for the safest quickest way. Americans like many options but they do not like not knowing what the actual options are and doing their true research on them. Bill Bryson has shown in this short story how as Americans we are very multi choiced and that we will do anything to make things faster and easier just because it seems very complicated.
Junk-Food Heaven
The Risk Factor
Bryson labeled America as an outstandingly dangerous place. He supports this by saying, “Every year in New Hampshire a dozen or more people are killed crashing their cars into moose.” These deaths are cause by not paying attention on the roads, not wearing seat belts (40% of the people in this country don’t use a seat belt), and constantly busy with accessories such cell phones, food, etc. He also said Americans tend to use guns often and every year, 40,000 Americans die from gun-shot wounds. He also added, the worst thing that can happen is when children get killed. Children were killed because they were sitting in the front seat and airbags kill them. Yet everybody that is living in this country is being alarmed by all the wrong things.
chapter 9 summary
chapter summary by Williamson the Magnificent
The Best American Holiday
Chapter 5 Summary
Max Meyer
The chapter “At A loss” it talks about how Bryce how in the real world it’s difficult. Like in paragraph 2 it talk about how he gets lost easily loss of its way back to the hotel or end up in some alley. In the 3rd paragraph it talks about how his bag zipper was stuck and how he can’t get it open, so after many yanks it finally open but things in that bag has scatter every where and how his zipper on his bag cut a his finger and he compare to a over paying for tobacco. Or how he accidentally knock his drank over and spill on the lady in a seat near him and again. In this chapter it pretty much talks about how little thing makes him feel out of place but the unrelated things such as little thing that he did or what he has done with others.