Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Summary writing

I chose chapter 15 "Junk-Food Heaven" by Bill Bryson, because it explains how Americans eat massive amounts of fast food, and the fact that it is everywhere. He talks about how the supermarket is filled with all types of junk food. And that he actually had to go with wife to the store because she kept bringing home healthy food. When he went with her he saw every imaginable cereal. From cookie crisp, which he called "chocolate cookies with milk" to cocoa puffs. he talked about how he had grabbed enough cereal to last him for six months. The funny thing is he grabbed everything in sight from the store. He said he missed junk food. He even went to aisle seven which was the aisle for the seriously obese. He grabbed a handful of toaster strudels and microwave pancakes. He was trying to prove a point, that junk food is addictive. He ate all the junk food that he bought, forcibly . But in the end he got tired of it, he said his taste buds have matured, or junk food got worse, but in the end instead opening a box of cookies when he got hungry he opened a piece of Swedish crisp bread and a celery stick. You can't eat something that taste so good, for ever , I think that was Bill Bryson's point.


  1. I thought this chapter was actually, funny. I knew America was stocked with junk food but never thought anything about it. As he started to list off some of the stuff he was buying, like microwave pancakes, marshmallow fluff spread, toaster strudels, sugary cereals it all started to hit me. What exactly made America become this way? Why couldn't we just be smart like England, where his wife is from and not want all that greasy, drippy, gooey food? Maybe if America was smart we'll actually try and make a lot more things healthy instead of allowing majority of the country to get obese. If you look around, most teenagers and kids these days are overweight. It's sad to think that some parents just don't care. And once you adapt to eating the right way you will not want the so called "junk food" anymore, like him at the end of the chapter. I did enjoy reading this chapter because it made me sick and it was funny.

  2. I agree junk food is unhealthy. It's true a lot of American's addictive with junk food. Even sometimes I see little teen ages never work they are at the supermarkets that they buying junk food because they have food stamp. They have free money. Plus they always complaining about gaining whieght.
