Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How to Rent a Car

The article "How to Rent a Car" by Bill Bryson is about how in the United States there are so many types of insurance and most defiantly a lot of them are ridiculous. He talks specifically about how there are so many different types of insurance and that people don't even fully understand them, they just buy them out of connivance and avoiding an argument. Bill Bryson at one point whimpers out that he doesn't understand any of the technical terms and the rules of the different states and coverages for auto insurance. This is showing how lazy Americans truly are and that we don’t like to take the time to find out what we truly need for coverage or in any matter and that as a whole we go the easiest route and allow for the safest quickest way. Americans like many options but they do not like not knowing what the actual options are and doing their true research on them. Bill Bryson has shown in this short story how as Americans we are very multi choiced and that we will do anything to make things faster and easier just because it seems very complicated.

1 comment:

  1. In my own opinion about this chapter I agree that as Americans we truly are lazy and that we really don't take the full time to read through things or find out what it truly is about. My easiest life example is that when there is a new update to something I never read the acceptance terms and for all I know they could be billing me millions of dollars and taking my identity. When using Xbox Live they always come out with new updates, but instead of seeing what the new update in tales I just accept the new terms and never think twice, but on more than one occasion they started billing me more and used my home address so send me things. I probably should have taken the time to read. With that, we are lazy in general and In my personal life I am very lazy when it comes to doing any extra work or reading.
